The First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology
15-16. 2019
Setif Algeria
President of the Congress
Prof: Souhem Touabti
Phone/Fax: +213 36 47 65 18
Mob: +213 771 292 573
President of the organizing committee
Our Foreign Guests
Sameh Shehata
Honorary Chairman of the Congress and President-elect of the WOFAPS
Professor of pediatric surgery, Faculty of medicine, university of Alexandria, Egypt.
President Elect of WOFAPS
President of IPEG Middle East Chapter.
Past President of Egyptian association of pediatric surgeons EPSA.
Interested in pediatric laproscopy, Pediatric colorectal surgery.
Innovator of the Shehata technique for intra abdominal testis.
Alberto Peña
Professor ,Pediatric Surgery , University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine. Cincinnati, Ohio
Director International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Interested in: Colon and Rectal Surgery
Innovator of Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty for reoperation in children with anorectal malformations
Andrea Bischoff
Associate Professor University of Colorado,
Pediatric Surgeon at the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care
Interested in : Pediatric Colorectal Surgery; Anorectal and Urogenital Malformations (imperforate anus, cloaca, cloacal exstrophy, vaginal agenesis); Hirschsprung Disease; Total Colonic Aganglionosis; Bowel Management (fecal incontinence and idiopathic constipation)
Product Designer
Joao Luiz Pippi Salle
Professor , pediatric urology
Division Chief of Urology at Sidra Medical and Research Center in Doha, Qatar.
Former Chief of Urology of the Montreal Children’s Hospital and the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital in Canada.
Interest in : genito-urinary reconstruction
Innovator of new approaches to address difficult areas of pediatric urology such as refractory urinary incontinence, feminizing genitoplasty, hypospadias repair, and other reconstructive procedures for bladder exstrophy and epispadias.
Ashraf Hafez
Pediatric Urology Consultant, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University,
Mansoura, Egypt.
Professor of Pediatric Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura,
Interest in : Pediatric Urology
Data Analyst
Mohamed E. Hassan
Professor of pediatric surgery. zagazig university, Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University
Senior Consultant Pediatric surgery, Al Qassimi Women’s & Children’s Hospital, MOHAP, Sharjah, UAE,
Interest in: Visceral and urological pediatric surgery, Special interest in advanced minimally invasive surgery for pediatric urology
Abdellatif Nouri
Professor of Pediatric Surgery at Monastir University
Head of Department of Pediatric Surgery at Monastir University Hospital
Interest in: Organ Transplantation, visceral and urological pediatric surgery
Francois Varlet
Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the University Hospital of Saint-Etienne
President of the French Society of Pediatric Surgery
Interest in: Visceral and urological pediatric surgery,
Sherif Shehata
Professor of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Tanta University Medical Faculty, Tanta, Egypt.
Second Vice President of IPEG –MEC
Former Vice Dean of Post Graduate Studies and Research
Former EPSA secretary General
Interest in: Visceral and urological pediatric surgery
Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery at Cairo University
Consultant of Pediatric Surgery at As Salam Hospitals, Air Force Hospital, Andalusia Group Hospitals and Farouq Hospital
Harvard Medical School graduate of Global Clinical Scholars Training Program
Administrative Secretary for IPEG Middle East Chapter and co-chair for IT
WOFAPS webmaster and executive board member.
Jean-Louis Lemelle
Associate Professor Pediatric Surgery Hôpital d'Enfants CHU De Nancy - Hôpitaux De Brabois
Head of Department of Pediatric Visceral and Urological Surgery - Brabois Children's Hospital
Interest in: Visceral and urological pediatric surgery, Neurogenic bladder, Renal transplantation.
Bernard Boillot
Associate Professor, Urological Surgery , Grenoble University Hospital.
Interest in: Urology of the adolescent.,bladder exstrophy, hypospadias, Neurogenic bladder, complex micturition disorders, Mitrofanoff procedure, Sacral Neuromodulation
Hamdi Karakayali
Director of Organ Transplantation and HPB Surgery at the Department of General Surgery, Organ Transplantation Center İstanbul, Turkey.
Professor of General Surgery,Acibadem University Hospital
Interest in : Organ Transplantation
The Venue
Ferhat Abbas Sétif University 1 UFAS1 , Campus El Bez
Setif 19000, Algeria
Setif (Berber : ⵣⵟⵉⴼ or Zḍif, Arabic: سطيف, Latin: Sitifis), is an Algerian city and the capital of the Sétif Province, it is one of the most important cities of eastern Algeria and the country as a whole, since it is considered the trade capital of the country. It is an inner city, situated in the eastern side of Algeria, at 270 kilometers east of Algiers, at 131 km west of Constantine, in the Hautes Plaines region south of Kabylie. The city is at 1,100 meters of altitude.
The city was part of the ancient Berber kingdom of Numidia, the capital of Mauretania Sitifensis under the rule of the Roman Empire. Before becoming Muslim during the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb.
It is considered as the starting point of the May 8th, 1945 protests, which was a crucial factor to the start of the Algerian War.
Setif was numid before undergoing Roman rule. The name of Setif is not drawn from Latin, but it is a Berber word "Zdif" which means "black lands", referring to the fertility of its lands in Setif. Occupying a strategic position (western gateway to the highlands of Constantine) and a major water point thanks to its water table, located at the foot of the mountains on the threshold of a vast plain, Setif with all its advantages was a point of strategic crossing between the eastern part and the western part of Algeria. Setif was part of the messasylian kingdom and in the year 225 BC it was the capital of a Berber kingdom, a title it lost when Juba preferred Cherchel. It was near Setif that Jugurtha fought a great battle at Caius Marius.
History of the University :
Sétif University Center was created in accordance with Executive Decree No.78-133 of April 9, 1978 to host 242 students spread out over three Institutes (Economics, Exact Sciences and Technology, and Foreign Languages).
In 1984, the University Center witnessed the creation of several National Institutes of Higher Education (INES) having administrative and financial autonomy.
In 1989, the INESs were merged to form an establishment having the status of University.
Since October 17, 1992, the university has been proudly bearing the name of the late Ferhat Abbas, a well-known figure of the national movement and first president of the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic (GPRA).
During the academic year 1999/2000 and following the reorganization of the institutes into faculties, Ferhat Abbas University has counted 06 Faculties.
Since 2005, Ferhat Abbas University has gradually adopted the LMD System. Since January 12, 2010, after a new restructuring, our university is made up of 8 Faculties and 2 Institutes.
As from November 28, 2011, two separate universities were created (Sétif 1 and Sétif 2)